Elevating Professionalism with Company Uniforms from Cintas

Powder Cote II proudly introduces our new, professional uniforms from Cintas, symbolizing unity and excellence across all departments. Expert guidance from Cintas representatives Glen Brown, David McMahon, and Austin Wehking played a crucial role in this significant enhancement of our workplace.

A Fresh, Professional Image: Powder Cote II's Collaboration with Cintas for Company Uniforms

Representatives from CINTAS unloading uniforms.
A man unloading uniform from a CINTAS truck to Powder Cote II

A Fresh Look for Powder Cote II, Tennessee

At Powder Cote II, we understand that our team’s appearance is crucial, just like the quality of our work. Excitingly, we’ve recently upgraded to new company uniforms, thanks to Cintas. This change is significant, reinforcing our commitment to professionalism and pride.

Women are the backbone at Powder Cote II wearing uniforms provided by CINTAS

Company Uniforms Uniting Our Departments with Style

Our E Coat specialists, Powder Coat experts, and Quality division’s System Techs are embracing these high-quality uniforms. Importantly, the new attire boosts our professional look and fosters unity.

Greg wearing new uniform form CINTAS
Woman wearing Powder Cote II uniform provided by CINTAS

Powder Cote II: A Symbol of Excellence

Based in Clinton, TN, we’re proud Electro Coating and Powder Coating Specialists. Our new uniforms, sleek and comfortable, echo our modern, innovative spirit.

Partnering with Cintas Experts for a Seamless Transition

The successful rollout of our new uniforms owes much to Cintas’ representatives. Significantly, Glen Brown, David McMahon, and Austin Wehking were crucial in customizing the program to our needs. Their expertise ensured a smooth process, from selection to distribution.

Three men promoting Professional Workwear with Cintas

Tailored Solutions by Cintas Professionals

Glen, David, and Austin brought a wealth of knowledge and professionalism, guiding us through the myriad options to find the perfect fit for Powder Cote II. Their insights were instrumental in not just choosing the fitting uniforms but also in understanding the impact of our choices on employee comfort and brand representation. Their personalized approach made all the difference, turning what could have been a daunting task into a rewarding experience.